
Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Very First Post...

Wow!  I'm a little nervous about my first post.

Recently, I've gone through a lot of changes!  I am a licensed attorney in Arizona.  Sidebar:  It is soooooooo hot in Phoenix right now!  I was laid off a couple months ago.  It is hard to find a job these days!  As a result, I've learned about being resourceful when it comes to money.

I've also been on a slow and painful fitness journey.  Last year, I lost about 40 pounds. Yes!  I still have about 50 more to go.   I've been doing a low glycemic diet and had great progress. I added fitness to my regimen which helped the weight drop faster.  Around January though, I hit a major plateau.  I thought maybe my workout routine (boring elliptical followed by weight training) needed a major shake up.  I started doing the Insanity program at home and finished the entire program!  Well, I did get more toned but I didn't lose weight.  So, I got more strict with my diet.  Only lean proteins and low fat dairy, vegetables, berries, etc.  No cheat days!  YIKES!  Well, that was hard, but still didn't lose more weight!  Noooooooooooooooo!  I don't know if there are people like me out there, but it is so frustrating to give a 100% percent and not see the scale budge.  It's hard not to give up!  Sometimes, I say to myself...if I'm working that hard and not seeing progress, what's the point of suffering?  Not this time! I'm determined not to give up and I'm just going to keep trying new things until something works!  

During the last few months, I've dealt with losing my job and therefore income.  I'll be honest, I spent about 3 weeks sitting on the couch watching Star Trek reruns and throwing a pity party for one and did not exercise once!   Uh oh!  I gained 10 lbs!  So, I'm back on the fitness track.  One problem, I can't afford a gym membership and didn't want to suffer through Insanity again.  I talked to my sister and she had some exercise DVDs she hadn't used in a long time, so I made myself a 90 schedule with a variety of workouts using my DVDs and my sister's.  I'm hoping switching it up and using a variety, will help me FINALLY break through this plateau and start losing again!    I've got some Zumba (I have NO rhythm so it's not easy for me), Power 90, Insanity, Turbo fire, Biggest Loser, and others.  I shouldn't get bored with that right????  If you can't afford the gym, ask your friends and family if they have workout DVDs they don't use and try it.  Exercise is free!  Not always fun, but free!

So, with renewed hope, I'm stepping up my job search efforts, my fitness efforts, and cost saving efforts!  I know it will get better so I'm trying to do everything I can to make some changes...for the better!